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Student Life

Leadership Opportunities

Developing leadership at Stanstead College happens in all aspects of student life, from mentoring fellow students in the classroom to rallying one's teammates on the field. It happens in formal ways such as our prefect program and community service, and it happens through opportunities for students to travel and broaden their expectations. Stanstead College grows leaders.


Prefects serve as liaisons between students and the faculty and administration and are expected to model appropriate behaviour and represent the school properly at all times. It is a great honour to be selected and an outstanding opportunity to develop responsibility and leadership skills.

List of 1 news stories.

  • Who You Are is a Work in Progress 

    By Anthony R., Grade 11
    If there is one thing I’ve learned over the past few years and especially since attending Stanstead, is that figuring out who you are isn’t something you just wake up one day and suddenly know. And sometimes, it feels like everyone else has it all figured out, except you.  
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Multicultural Awareness

Students at Stanstead College come from, on average, 20 different countries, each with its own set of traditions, customs and history. Our international students have a chance to share their heritage during Multicultural Week, where they take over the school kitchen to prepare traditional meals from their home countries.

Community Service

Students who take part in our community service program once a week visit residents in nearby seniors’ homes, walk dogs and work with young children at local after-school programs. It’s a way to support the community and discover the two-way benefits of helping others.

Plus, once a year, our students and teachers head out en masse to the Town of Stanstead and other areas to clean, pick up and help out during our Community Service Day.

Duke of Edinburgh

As part of the Physical Education curriculum, all Grade 9 students participate in the Duke of Edinburgh bronze award program. The goal of the program is to challenge students outside of the classroom in several areas. Through community involvement, learning new skills, goal setting and pushing personal limits, students are encouraged to explore hidden talents and personal resources. 

Service Trips

Service also takes place off campus -- way off campus. For the past decade, students and teachers from Stanstead College have spent their March breaks helping build homes in Central America and Africa in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity.