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SG Soccer: Back to Back to Back

By Erik Van Dyke
Last week something happened that is a first in my 32-year coaching career, something that is probably illegal in some countries: three full ETIAC games in a row. All at home. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. 80 minutes each. Back-to-back-to-back. Talk about your homestand.
Game #1 vs Richmond Regional (4-1 win)
This was the first great game of the year by our midfielders. Positioned well, arrived on time, won the 50/50s to gain possession (even vs their big, skilled, dancing midfielder). Stayed poised, and then moved the ball. We spent 80% of the game in Richmond’s end thanks to Bianca, Charlotte, Sofia, Julia, Dally, and Maya.

But Player Of The Game goes to Emma, who broke all the way out with a hat trick. But it wasn’t just her scoring. She dominated the midfield, presenting herself to her midfielders, arriving to space with proper timing, and then distributing clinically to her strikers and wingers. A maestro performance.

There were strong games by Isabelle (team leader in assists, who set up Emma for one of her goals today) and Maya, who dominated the 50/50 balls, took smart touches into space and smartly moved the ball.

We stole goal kicks amazingly well all game, which led directly to 2 goals (Emma and Maya).

Things to work on
: Corner kicks, finishing crosses and disorganization (and lack of communication) right up the heart of the defence, which resulted in a goal against the flow of play.
Game #2 vs Alexander Galt (1-0 loss)
Our best game of the season, bar none, the first time we played an elite team and matched them for 80 minutes, including the first 20 minutes of the game where we were clearly the better team. The hardest we’ve worked. The hardest we’ve COMPETED. We gave all we had. So proud.

, Julia and Val were warriors this game, battling Galt’s all-world #11 for every inch of space, digging so hard to deny her the sliver of space she needs to launch her missile of a shot. Last time we played Galt, #11 took a dozen open shots from just outside the 18 yard box. This time, she only took two.

Two plays I loved from rookie goaltender Dally: 1) coming 35 yards off her line to kick a dangerous through ball to the side out of trouble, and 2) the point blank save she made in the second half on a rocket from #11 from only 10 yards out

Nya and Player Of The Game Annabelle played exceptionally well at outside defence, especially Annabelle who had to deal all game with #15, who is probably the fastest player in the league. How did Annabelle do it? With guile, angles, toughness, and heart.

Ultimately, we could not sustain the level we played at the first 20 minutes. The rest of the first half was even. The second half, unfortunately, Stanstead was the more tired team, and Galt had the edge in play the rest of the game. But it was never out of reach. If Addy’s direct kick is 12 inches lower, who knows…?

Things to work on: Nothing, we were great. Except maybe some sleep. And some Advil.
Game #3 vs BCS (2-1 win)
Let’s start with the Quote Of The Game: Nat to Allie (who is injured so is helping with equipment and the scoresheet, etc.) – “Allie, you look like a soccer mom.”

This was our worst game of the season, bar none, which kind of makes sense, i.e. not only was it our third full game in three days(!), back-to-back-to-back, but the previous game had been a no-holds-barred rockfight vs Galt where we left absolutely everything on the field. We had nothing in the tank for this game. And it showed, especially in the 2nd half. You ever see “The Walking Dead”? Where herds of zombies lurch aimlessly across the American countryside? That was us. And you know what zombies don’t do? They don’t win many 50/50 balls. Man, were we tired. We got sooo lucky to escape with a win.

This win was provided by an Addy bomb from the corner of the 18 (that she only realized went in 10 seconds after the fact when her teammates told her!) and a game-winner from Ella when she jumped on a loose rebound from the BCS keeper.

Things to work on: The corner kicks and crosses that were bad vs Richmond? Even worse in this one, with 80% ending up out of play on the short side or shot right at the goalie (such wasted opportunities). Also, wings not being wide enough, not patient enough. Also, defensive communication/organization cost us another goal against the flow. Good thing we finally have actual practices coming up so we can work on some things!
And finally – WELCOME BACK, ALINA (firstt game back after a three-week injury layoff)!
- Coaches Van Dyke & Kirby
The year so far…
4 wins 5 losses 2 ties ETIAC Record: 4-3
Goals for: 18 Goals against: 18