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SG Soccer: Floodgates Open in Lennoxville  

By Erik Van Dyke
Soccer can be the most frustrating sport on the planet. You can do everything right, make all the right passes, all the right plays, but still not score. Finishing is hard, kids. That’s why Messi makes a trillion dollars a year. Because finishing… is… hard.
The first half vs BCS this past Wednesday was the prime example of this incontrovertible Soccer Truth. For 35 minutes we constructed the best offence of the season. Maya and Player Of The Game Julia dominated the midfield (Quote Of The Game from Natalia: “Julia, you were a warrior out there!”), Charlotte and Bianca (who both ran at least 10 km this game, superb fitness) and Emma sent probing through balls at every angle past the Bears’ back line, and Ella and Isabelle (who also learned about “offside” this day!) were constant threats, taking defenders on with their dirty little feet and gaining the 18 at will. But a combination of the BCS keeper playing lights out and our own impatience and panic at the point of attack meant that with 5 minutes left in the half, shots on goal were 17-1 for Stanstead… and the score stood 0-0.
Finishing is hard.
But then two things happened. First, Nya (who also had a great game on defence) earned the Alanis Morissette Irony Award for breaking through with the game’s first goal from her right defence position despite her intense desire to play striker. And secondly, we used halftime to talk about poise and patience over the ball when trying to score.
And when the second half started, the floodgates opened:
  • Isabelle bodies a Bear defender off the ball, crosses to Ella, who calmly finishes low corner.
  • After Bishop’s makes it 2-1, the Highlight Of The Match comes right off the restart as we pass the ball back, work the ball through the midfield, then up to Isabelle who sends in a perfect through ball to Ella… who bolts in alone on the keeper… (in the first half she missed the exact same opportunity over the bar)…and who coolly passes the ball into the corner – sensational goal to make it 3-1!
  • BCS tries the offside trap, Isabelle and Ella make them pay, Ella scores on the breakaway, 4-1, natural hat trick(!), and all of them assisted by Isabelle! You know how people combine celebrity names? Like Brangelina? How about “Isab-Ella”? That works, no?
  • Still not finished scoring, Maya sends an exquisite thru ball to Emma who walks all the way in, goalie no chance, 5-1.
  • And for good measure, Isabelle unassisted handcuffs the goalie – who had to be tired by this point – from distance, final score 6-1, five goals in the second half, and your Spartans had officially figured out how to score.
Now, THAT was fun. Who says finishing is hard? 😊
Coaches Van Dyke & Kirby
The year so far…
2 wins 4 losses 2 ties   ETIAC Record:  2-2-0
Goals for: 12    Goals against:  15